Develop the ideal training strategy for your business
Our Mission, and Values:
As Potentia Education.
Strengthen the skills and abilities of human beings through self-knowledge and the implementation of innovative concepts of leadership and teamwork.
Passion / Service / Adaptability / Commitment
Comprehensive service for your affairs
Check out our areas of expertise:
Human Resources Management Consulting:
- Cross Skills.
Career Plans and Conversations.
Organizational climate analysis.
Team and Individual Coachings:
- Systemic Coaching applied to Teams.
Leader Coachings.
Individual Coaching (Performance-Life-Executive).
Customer Service:
- Milestone Program, more than just service.
Feelings for Professionals Program (Service Quality Institute).
Hidden Client audits and creation of NPS metrics, analysis of current processes.
What our valuable clients feedback say:
Esteban Fallas.
Human Resources / AUXIS
"The first step is the most important. It is the most crucial and most effective, since it will start the direction you have chosen."
-Steve Backley.
Chris Dieckmann.
Director, AML Compliance / WU
""The mind that opens itself to a new idea will never return to its original size"
-Albert Einstein